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Home > Animal/Stock > Vaccines & Drench > NEOVEK™ (DICYCLANIL) Spray-On Sheep Blowfly Treatment

NEOVEK™ (DICYCLANIL) Spray-On Sheep Blowfly Treatment

$ 285.00 AUD
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Active ingredient, Dicyclanil 50g/L

  • Neovek Spray-On Sheep Blowfly Treatment contains dicyclanil, a member of the pyrimidine group of chemicals. It is effective against strains of Lucilia cuprina that are sensitive to dicyclanil.
  • It is for the protection of sheep, either off-shears or with any length wool, against fly strike caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina) for 18 to 24 weeks.
  • It also protects mulesing and marking wounds on sheep against fly strike caused by dicyclanil-susceptible strains of blowflies (Lucilia cuprina) during the wound healing process.

Withholding periods

  • Meat: DO NOT USE less than 28 days before slaughter for human consumption
  • Milk: DO NOT USE on sheep which are producing or may in future produce milk that may be used or processed for human consumption
  • Wool: DO NOT USE less than 3 months before shearing or fibre collection
  • ESI: DO NOT USE less than 120 days before slaughter for export

How to use

  • NEOVEK Spray-On is applied as a low-volume treatment onto areas where protection is required. When applying NEOVEK, the nozzle of the applicator gun should be high enough above the fleece (approximately 15-25 cm), to achieve a 15 cm wide band at each pass for protection of body strike. For treatment of mulesing wounds, the band must be wide enough to cover the wound and 25 mm onto the surrounding wool
  • DO NOT apply during gusty or windy weather as spray drift may reduce the period of protection. It is good agricultural practice for mulesing/marking to be carried out at times of minimal fly activity. Reduced efficacy may occur in sheep affected with dermatophilosis

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